Jan’s brain tumour story: “The prospect of doing nothing was daunting; volunteering helped me get back to being me”
Jan was forced to give up her job at a bank after being diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2012.
While the tumour was successfully removed, it left her with memory problems and fatigue which meant she found her former role too difficult.
Jan, from Liverpool, began volunteering at The Brain Charity in 2013 and quickly felt at home in our centre.
She said: “As I’d always worked, the prospect of doing nothing was a daunting one for me.
“Luckily, I heard about The Brain Charity and came along to one of the volunteer open days to find out more. I immediately felt at home, and decided to join the volunteer team.
“Volunteering at The Brain Charity has helped to boost my confidence. I’ve made lots of new friends as well as gaining a very active social life due to all of the social activities that the charity lays on.”
Jan currently volunteers on reception – answering the phone, dealing with enquiries and helping with admin.
She is also The Brain Charity’s volunteer representative, which means she deals with any issues or concerns other volunteers may have.
Jan added: “I’d recommend volunteering at The Brain Charity to anyone.
“As lots of our volunteers, including myself, have neurological conditions, I think it’s a very positive way of helping people who come in to use our services as we understand what they are going through.
“I feel like I’m getting back to being me, and the feeling of belonging and helping others in similar circumstances gives me a real sense of purpose.”
Categories: Social activities, Volunteering
Published: 18 October 2021