Clients from The Brain Charity star in national BBC TV appeal – presented by Sir Michael Palin
The Lifeline appeal will bring our work to a national audience
The Brain Charity’s clients have starred in a national BBC TV appeal – presented by Sir Michael Palin.
Our Lifeline appeal, which aired on BBC One at 1.45pm on December 20th 2021, will bring the work of The Brain Charity to a national audience by telling the stories of three people who have benefitted from our support – Rachel, Lindsey and Sammee.
The BBC Lifeline crew travelled across the UK to see first-hand how The Brain Charity helps people with all forms of neurological condition to lead longer, healthier, happier lives by providing practical advice, emotional support and creative activities.
They filmed with mum-of-three Lindsey, from Dunbar, Scotland, who was diagnosed with secondary progressive MS in her brain in October 2020.
The 60-year-old former deputy headteacher went from being a highly paid, hard-working professional to wondering how her family was going to cope.
She found the practical advice she received from The Brain Charity’s Information & Advice Officer Janet ‘life-changing’ and said this reminded her that there was still a future for her post-diagnosis.
The eight-minute film also features Rachel, 46, from Lymm, Cheshire, who spent two weeks in a coma and had to learn to walk and talk again after experiencing a brain haemorrhage.
After an operation to remove the AVM which had cause the haemorrhage, Rachel began to make a physical recovery but struggled mentally.
She found it difficult to leave the house due to low confidence around her speech, which had been affected, and experiencing debilitating night terrors that she was back in intensive care.
In May 2020, she was offered six weeks of free counselling from The Brain Charity – which she said was a lifeline – and has since decided to give back by becoming a volunteer phone befriender.
Finally, the feature will focus on 18-year-old Sammee who is autistic and recently moved to Liverpool from London.

The Brain Charity’s Brain Changer Arts Project sessions – which combine neuro-physiotherapy and dance – have helped him gain confidence, express himself creatively and make new friends.
Sir Michael Palin donated his time to present The Brain Charity’s appeal due to personal experience of the impact of neurological conditions – his wife was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour more than 25 years ago, and he saw his Monty Python colleague Terry Jones face the effects of dementia before his death last year.

He said: “Neurological conditions have the potential to wreak havoc on the lives of those they affect; something my family and I can relate to.
“My wife was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour more than 25 years ago, and it was a worrying and frightening time for our family.
“That’s why the important work of The Brain Charity is a cause very close to my heart.
“I am delighted to support them by presenting their Lifeline appeal, and hope the film encourages many much-needed donations for such a worthwhile cause.”
The Brain Charity’s Lifeline appeal aired on BBC One at 1.45pm on Monday, December 20th and repeated on BBC Two at 8.10am on Tuesday, December 21st. Watch the video below and click here to subscribe to The Brain Charity’s YouTube page.
Categories: Fundraising, News
Published: 14 December 2021