What is corticobasal degeneration?
CBD is rare neurological condition that affectsa person’s movement, memory, speech and swallowing.
Diagnosis usually happens in people between 50 and 70 years old. The condition affects the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex, in the central part of the brain.
What causes corticobasal degeneration?
Corticobasal degeneration is caused by the body failing to break down a protein in the brain called tau. A build-up of tau leads to damaging clumps forming in brain cells.
The surface of the brain, known as the cortex, and a deeper part of the brain, known as the basal ganglia, are affected.
What are the symptoms of CBD?
Early stages of CBD are often confused with Parkinson’s or stroke. Symptoms tend to affect only one side of the body, these are:
- Stiffness in the muscles making using the limbs difficult
- Uncontrollable shaking and spasms
- Loss of feeling in the arms and legs
As more brain tissue is affected, symptoms will spread to the other side of the body.
A person may experience:
- Problems with balance and coordination
- Difficulty finding the correct words, or using them in the wrong order
- Short term memory loss
- Difficulty coping with change
- Vision problems
People with advanced CBD may need a wheelchair, or struggle to communicate.
Dementia may mean a person needs constant care.
In the latter stages of CBD a person may experience difficulty swallowing. This can lead to serious infections in the lungs from food entering the windpipe.