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Clay workshop

A hands-on experience designed to spark your creativity.

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New age kurling

Kurling is another of our fully accessible activities at The Brain Charity.

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Aphasia talking table

Talking with a supportive, small group can be really beneficial for issues with aphasia, whatever the cause.

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News items

Three women sitting at a table during a training session at The Brain Charity.

‘Life-changing’: 100% of coaching clients report confidence boosted

We've helped 578 people improve their confidence since 2019

Category: Employment

Published: 4 February 2025

Woman experiencing a headache in the office

How to get employers to take headaches seriously

Headaches can make it harder to do your job - here's how to speak to your manager about reasonable adjustments

Category: Employment

Published: 4 March 2023

Man getting advice from a Brain Charity support worker

What are reasonable adjustments, and how to ask for them

Workers with disabilities or health conditions are legally entitled to reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 - here's how to speak to your employer about them

Category: Employment

Published: 27 December 2022

Erin sitting on a hillside enjoying view and holding hands with her husband James

Why neurodivergent women are diagnosed with ADHD and autism later in life, and what this means for their careers

Many neurodivergent women are not diagnosed until adulthood, and this can impact them at work

Category: Employment

Published: 18 August 2022

Mandy (on the left) offering support at The Brain Charity

The art of building confidence and 5 ways to raise your self-esteem

Understand where confidence comes from and learn simple ways to improve your self-confidence

Category: Employment

Published: 20 May 2022

UK Houses of Parliament from across the River Thames

SPOTLIGHT ON: Fighting for employment without barriers for people with MS

Supporting people with multiple sclerosis to stay in jobs and find work

Category: Employment

Published: 19 May 2022

Neurodiversity - a head silhouette with lots of coloured arrows coming from it.

Neurodivergent, neurodiversity and neurotypical: a guide to the terms

Each person has a brain that is unique to them; no two brains are quite the same

Category: Employment

Published: 11 May 2022

Leading a session in a meeting room at The Brain Charity

Guest post: Five neurodiversity myths every employer must challenge

An increase in searches for ‘dyslexia at work’ and ‘ADHD workplace’ highlights the need to challenge myths around neurodivergent employees

Category: Employment

Published: 28 April 2022

People enjying a meeting at The Brain Charity

What is Disability Confident? Ensuring employers don’t miss out on the skills of staff with disabilities

How the Disability Confident scheme works, and how organisations can become Disability Confident

Category: Employment

Published: 2 March 2022

Woman in wheelchair at work on laptop - The benefits of hiring a more neurodiverse workforce are huge.

Is your job ad unwittingly putting off candidates with disabilities from applying?

Unconscious dissuasion means you could be missing out on a neurodiverse workforce

Category: Employment

Published: 31 January 2022