Our free physiotherapy service at The Brain Charity aims to improve quality of life for people with neurological conditions.
Physiotherapy can help address symptoms such as changes to strength, motor control, mobility, balance, coordination and spasticity.
Appointments are available on Mondays from 9am to 4pm.
Louisa, our specialist neurological physiotherapist, will complete a one-to-one assessment to gain an understanding of your physical condition and discuss what you want to achieve. Whether you are someone who enjoys exercising or not, Louisa will discuss ways to manage your condition.

This service is best suited to those who will be able to carry out their exercise programme independently, or who can be supported by another person to do so outside of their sessions. Physiotherapy clients can also become members of the Neuro Gym, a free and accessible gym also based at The Brain Charity. You can read more about The Neuro Gym here.
Neurological conditions impact people in many different ways. If there is something we can do to make you feel more comfortable in coming to see us, such as having a look around before the first session, meeting in a quiet space or using a communication aid, please let us know.
To refer yourself or another person, use the form below or contact Louisa directly via email louisa.pett@thebraincharity.org.uk