Real life stories

New mother in hospital holding baby

Donna’s story: “My granddaughter was born with a rare brain condition – The Brain Charity’s help was invaluable”

The diagnosis was a huge shock - The Brain Charity provided vital information.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 2 February 2022

Jacob with his mum and dad.

Jacob’s UBE2A story: “Success at tribunal helped us buy our son’s medical equipment” 

Jacob is 5-and-a-half and lives with UBE2A, a rare genetic condition. He was diagnosed at

Category: Help for carers

Published: 27 August 2024

William enjoying an art workshop at home with The Brain Charity's Brain 6t8rt7ytyChanger Arts Project

William’s Down’s syndrome story: “We feel so lucky we discovered The Brain Changer Arts Project during the COVID-19 lockdowns”

Our art and occupational therapy sessions helped William keep practicing his fine motor skills during

Category: Help for carers

Published: 11 May 2022

Hazel and Robert

Hazel’s dementia story: “Dementia took away my husband’s ability to speak; Music Makes Us! helped us reconnect”

Robert, 92, was diagnosed with vascular dementia with Lewy bodies in December 2018.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 12 July 2021

Rose making dolls house

Rose’s posterior fossa syndrome story: “She was paralysed after tumour op; art helped her hold scissors again”

The youngster had to learn to walk again - Brain Changer craft sessions proved vital.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 7 October 2021

Ian was supported by The Brain Charity following a traumatic brain injury

Ian’s brain injury story: “I forgot my wife and kids after I was brutally attacked by a stranger on Christmas Eve”

The dad-of-three was punched to the floor and hit his head on the kerb.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 15 March 2021

Fundraiser Marie, who learned to walk again after a brain tumour and is now running the London Marathon for The Brain Charity

Marie’s brain tumour story: “I said goodbye to my newborn daughter and had to learn to walk again”

The new mum found out she had a golf ball-sized meningioma after giving birth.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 22 March 2021

Blossom and Helene

Blossom’s dyspraxia story: “She was falling behind – now she can celebrate her neurodiversity”

The 10-year-old has joint hypermobility syndrome and dyspraxia, which affects fine and gross motor skills.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 15 March 2021

Thanks to The Brain Charity's Brain Changer Arts Project Faith now enjoys getting physiotherapy for her Chiari malformation

Faith’s Chiari malformation story: “The Brain Changer Arts Project helps her love the physio she needs”

The 8-year-old has Chiari malformation, meaning her brain is pushing into her spinal canal.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 15 March 2021

Sonya with her children

Sonya’s brain haemorrhage story: “I nearly died, people don’t take my invisible disability seriously”

Her 4-year-old daughter helped save her life when she collapsed.

Category: Help for carers

Published: 15 March 2021